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Type of soil : it’s a calcareous marl with clayey banks which are perfectly suited to Chardonnay. The vines are exposed full on for an altitude of about 300 meters

Age of the vines : 35 years

Grape: Chardonnay

Driving style: reasoned and reasonable agriculture. HVE3 certified.

Yield : 45hl/ha

Vinification: The grapes are harvested at by hand, the whole bunches are put in the press. The  juice is then placed in vats for a period of 24 to 40 minutes. 48 hours for a natural settling, spent this time the must is put in barrels for 40% new and the balance in barrels of 1 wine for the alcoholic fermentation. The wine is aged for 12 months.

Tasting advice: Its robe is very light yellow, shiny. On the nose you will find subtle aromas such as butter, apple or even notes of cinnamon or honey. On the palate a dry and round wine often mineral (flint type) with a lot of fat.

It can accompany soft cheeses such as a Brillat Savarin or white meats and poultry with a light sauce

Operating temperature : 10 to 13°C


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